FÖRENINGEN SENIORUNIVERSITETET I STOCKHOLM Postadress: Box 6276, 102 34 Stockholm Besöksadress: Hagagatan 1, 1 tr Telefon: 08-789 41 28 mån–fre 10:00–12:00 E-post: kansliet@senioruniversitetet.se
Dölj fullbokade arrangemang
Vi följer kursboken, har gruppvisa diskussioner och hörövningar. Stor vikt läggs vid ord, fraser, uttal och grammatik.
Kursen fokuserar på hörförståelse, gruppvisa diskussioner, grammatik och studier av kursboken. Stor vikt läggs vid ord, fraser, uttal och etymologi. Vi läser Solid Gold 1 (Studentlitteratur)....
We will read and discuss thought-provoking short stories in an enjoyable and informative course. Special attention will be given to the authors’ inspirati...
A course for those who want to practice their English by discussing what is happening in the world. As an integrated part of the course there will be stimulating discussions and debates focusing on...
A course for those wishing to practise their spoken English in a relaxed and friendly manner. Using the popular textbook, English Vocabulary in Use (Intermediate), you will be introduced to new voc...
We will discuss modern English literature from a novel or short stories as well as other literary extracts. This course will also give you the opportunity to build up and improve your English vocab...
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